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Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Hair Falling

Falling of Hair is a big problem in mails and females also .Some people are very sensitive to this problem. They want to be good looking every time. In my experience mostly young boys are very conscious to their hair. They are in search of different kinds of oils, shampoos etc. to avoid from falling of hair. Specially unmarried boys are very conscious about hair .They do not want to Alopecia. They want beautiful hair for attraction of others and opposite sex also .So they are every time in search of some recipes to stop the falling of their hair. In females hair are the symbol of their beauty. Homoeopathy have many remedies who are the cure of falling hair. Homoeopathic Remediess Hair falling: In Handfuls: Phosphorous From forehead: Heper Sulph, Merc Sol, Nat Mur, Phos From Sides: Graphites From Occipital: Lycopodium, Bryta Carb, Sulphur, Zinc Met From Temples: Kali Carb, Nat Mur From Vertex: Lycopodium, Bryta Carb, Sulphur, Zinc Met From Grief: Ignatia, Staphisgaria, Acid Phos From Shock: Ignatia, Rescue Remedy (Batch Flower Remedy) During Pregnancy: Lachesis After Delivery: Cal Carb, Carbo Veg, Cantharis, Lycopodium, Nat Mur, Nitric Acid, Sepia, Sulphur Young Age: Acid Phos, Phosphorous, Kali Phos, Bryta Carb, Silicea Old Age Male: Lycopodium, Selenium Old Age Female: Sepia, Sulphur Thyroid Disorders: Thyrodinum, Thallium, Jaborandi, Sepia, Silicea, Sulphur Due to Anemia: Ferrum Phos, Calc Phos, Nat Mur Tension: Kali Phos, Calming*, Tension* N.B. all these remedies be taken in 30 potency according to their symptoms narrated with medicine. 2. I have some Oils recipes which can prevent falling of hair


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