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Friday, November 6, 2009

Colic Pain.( Qolanj = in Urdu )

This is a condition a severe paroxysmal pain in the abdomen, due to spasm, obstruction, or distention of some one of the hollow viscera . There are some kinds of Colic pain .Hepatic colic, the severe pain produced by the passage of a gallstone from the liver or gall bladder through the bile duct .Intestinal colic, or Ordinary colic, pain due to distention of the intestines by gas. Lead colic , Painter's colic, a violent form of intestinal colic, associated with obstinate constipation, produced by chronic lead poisoning. Renal colic, the severe pain produced by the passage of a calculus from the kidney through the ureter.Wind colic. HOMOEOPATHIC REMEDIES FOR COLIC PAIN:- ARG NIT 200: • Painful spot over stomach, from which pain radiates to all parts of the abdomen. • Severe pain on account of hiatus hernia, below the centre of the rib cage. • Painful swelling of pit of the stomach. • Burning and constriction; ulceration of the stomach. Hyperacidity. ARSENIC ALB 200: • Pain in food poisoning. • Unbearable pain with burning stomach upset. • Pain on account of enlargement of liver and spleen. • Black, bloody diarrhea. • Hot food relieves. • Cold food disagrees. BELLADONNA 200: • Burning, cutting pain; distension in stomach. • Spasm of stomach. Pain as if clutched by a hand. • Great thirst for cold water. • Worse jar, pressure. Sensitive to even bedclothes. BERBERIS VULGARIS 200: • Stitches in the region of gall bladder. Catarrh of gall bladder. • Stitching pain in front of kidney, extending to liver, spleen, stomach, groin. • Worse pressure. CARBO VEG 200: • Constrictive, uncreative pain extending to chest with distension of abdomen. Flatulent colic. • Ulcers in the stomach; burning coals sensation. CEANOTHUS 30: • Splenetic enormous enlargement of the spleen. Hypertrophy of the spleen. Pain on the left side. CHAMOMILLA 200: • Acute duodenitis. Inflammation and pain of duodenum. Griping pain in region of navel and pain in the small or back. • Flatulence. • Child in great agony. CHIONANTHUS 30: • Aching an umbilical region. Griping pain, severe spasmodic intestinal pain. • Feels as if a string were tied in a ‘slip-knot’ around intestines, which was suddenly drawn tight and then gradually loosened. • Pain in enlarged liver, enlarged spleen. Jaundice. • Hepatitis pain. • Gall stone colic. • Constipation. CICUTA 200: • Colic with convulsions. CINA 200: • Twisting pain abou navels. Due to worms of any type. COLOCYNTHIS 200: • Agoinisng, cutting pain in abdomen, causing th epatient to double over. • Child doubles up and tosses in agony. • Sesation as if stones were being ground together in the abdomen and that it would burst. • Dysenteric stool each time some food is taken. Stool like jelly with foul odour. • Colic and cramps in calves. • Flatulence. • Better from pressure, hard pressure. • Worse from anger and indignation. HEPAR SULPH 200: • Stitches in the region of the liver, with weakness or coughing. Abscess of the liver. • Pain in hepatitis. IPECAC 200: • Pain of amoebic dysentery with tenesmus. Cutting. Worse around navel. Nauseating. KALI BI 200: • Stitches in the region of liver and spleen, through to spine. • Cirrohosis of the liver. • Chronic duodenitis. LYCOPODIUM 200: • Pain shooting across lower abdomen from right to left. Liver sensitive. • Chronic appendicitis. • Flatulence downwards. MAG PHOS 200: • Flatulent colic, forcing patient to bend double. • Constatnt flatus. Bleching of gas but no relief. • Relief by warmth and pressure. NUX VOM 200: • Pressure as of a stone several hours after eating. Colic. Pains so cutting that the patient feels forced to bend double. • In persons leading an irregular life, eating, drinking and keeping late hours. PLUMBUM MET 30: • Excessive excruciating colic radiating to all parts of the body. • Abdomen retracted as if pulled by a string to the spine. PODOPHYLLUM 200: • Gastroenteritis with colic pain and bilious vomiting. • Gushing, fetid stool. Yellowish stool. Painless. Early morning. • Worse in summer. STAPHYSAGRIA 200: • Severe pain following abdominal operation. VERATRUM ALB 1000: • Terrible colic. Abdomen swollen. Cholera with nausea and copious vomiting. • Sinking, empty, cold feeling in the stomach. • Rice-coloured, thin, copious stool. Unbearable frequency. • Collapse. Skin blue. Fa


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