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Friday, November 6, 2009


Diabetes is called a silent killer .When the pancreas does not produce sufficient insulin, the body cannot use sugar and starch properly. Sugar accumulates in the blood and the tissues. This leads to certain defects in various parts of the body. In non-insulin dependent diabetes, although the body produces almost enough of insulin, the body cells are not able to use it effectively. The first symptoms of diabetes are abnormal thirst and abnormal passing of urine, both day and night. The taking of fluids does not reduce the feeling of thirst. The vision is blurred. Fatigue overtakes. When there is no insulin or its is less than what is required, the appetite increase. Yet there is a weight loss. In men the penis itches. In women, there is itching in the vulva. The patient develops ulcers on the feet. He experiences numbness in the hands and the feet. Diabetes is not curable; but, it is controllable. Expert medical advice must be obtained. A controlled diet is of great help , however, the medicines given below would help. Many types of diabetes are recognized. The principal three are: • Type 1: Results from the body's failure to produce insulin. It is estimated that 5-10% of Americans who are diagnosed with diabetes have type 1 diabetes. Presently almost all persons with type 1 diabetes must take insulin injections. • Type 2: Results from Insulin resistance, a condition in which cells fail to use insulin properly, sometimes combined with relative insulin deficiency. Most Americans who are diagnosed with diabetes have type 2 diabetes. Many people destined to develop type 2 diabetes spend many years in a state of Pre-diabetes: Termed "America's largest healthcare epidemic,"[4]:10-11, pre-diabetes indicates a condition that occurs when a person's blood glucose levels are higher than normal but not high enough for a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes. As of 2009 there are 57 million Americans who have pre-diabetes. Gestational diabetes: Pregnant women who have never had diabetes before but who have high blood sugar (glucose) levels during pregnancy are said to have gestational diabetes. Gestational diabetes affects about 4% of all pregnant women. It may precede development of type 2 (or rarely type 1).In Homoeopathy DIABETES MELLITUS may be controlled effectively without any reverse reactions.It have naot any cure in any way of treatments , however Homoeopathy it has an edge that their are not harmful side effects, if these remedies are according to the symptoms , Diabetes may be controlled . HOMOEOPATHIC REMEDIES FOR DIABETES:- ACETIC ACID 30: • Copious urine without sugar. • Abundant sugar. • Great thirst but a cold drink feels heavy on stomach. • Pale, waxen skin. • Gangrenous ulcers. • Extreme prostration. ACID PHOS 200: • Copious urine. Milky color. Contains lot of sugar. • Nervous temperament. • Debility. Bruised feeling in muscles. • Boils. • Excellent in early stages. • Worse at night. AGENTUM MET 30: • Swelling of feet and scrotum. • Face pale and sallow. Emaciation. Great weakness. • Profuse, turbid, sweetish urine. • Disposition to gangrene. ARSENIC ALB 200 (To be used alternately with SYZYGIUM JAMBOLANUM): • Diabetic patient dwindling fast. Loses strength. • Dry, brittle, scaly skin. • Mouth, tongue, trachea dry. • Thirst unquenchable. • Appetite lost. ARSENIC BROMATUM (Mother tincture 5 drops 5 times a day in water): • Frequent urination. • Unquenchable thirst. • Emaciation and great weakness. Skin pale. • Disposition to gangrene. LACTIC ACID 30, 200: • Urine loaded with sugar. Diabetes mellitus. • Thirst; voracious hunger. • Rheumatic pain in joints. RHUS AROMATIC (Mother tincture 15 drops 4 times a day): • Copious urine of low specific gravity. • Urine pale, albuminous. • Constant dribbling. SYZYGIUM JAMBOLANUM (Mother tincture 15 drops 4 times a day): • This medicine leads to diminution and disappearance of sugar in urine and blood to a remarkable extent. • Diabetic ulceration. • Copious urine. Specific gravity high. • Great thirst. • Weakness; emaciation.


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