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Friday, November 6, 2009


Feeling sick at the stomach with a desire to vomit. Accompanied by a distaste, a loathing for food.The impulse to vomit is involuntary and uncontrollable.Nausea is also an adverse effect of many drugs, opiates in particular, and may also be a side-effect of a large intake of sugary foods.Nausea is not a sickness, but rather a symptom of several conditions, many of which are unrelated to the stomach. Nausea is often indicative of an underlying condition elsewhere in the body. Motion sickness, which is due to confusion between perceived movement and actual movement, is an example: the sense of equilibrium lies in the ear and works together with eyesight. When these two "disagree" about the extent to which the body is actually moving, the symptom is presented as nausea, although the stomach itself has nothing to do with the situation. The stomach's involvement comes from the brain's conclusion that one of the senses is hallucinating due to poison ingestion; the brain then induces vomiting to clear the supposed toxin[citation needed.In medicine, nausea can be a problem during some chemotherapy regimens and following general anesthesia. Nausea is also a common symptom of pregnancy, in which it is called "morning sickness". Mild nausea experienced during pregnancy can be normal, and should not be considered an immediate cause for alarm. HOMOEOPATHIC Remedies for Nausea / Vomiting :- ARSENIC ALB 200: • Vomit of bile, blood, green or brown-black mucus mixed with blood. • Nausea and retching after eating and drinking. Food poisoning. • Ill effects of vegetable diet, melons and watery fruit, decayed or exposed or otherwise. ANTIM TART 200: • Intense nausea; relief on vomiting. • Retching. • Tongue thick, white; red edges. • Body cold; cold water; takes little at a time. BERBERIS VULGARIS 30: • Nausea before breakfast. BISMUTH 30: • Vomits all fluids. Water vomited as soon as it reaches the stomach. BRYONIA 200: • Nausea when rising. • Pressure in stomach after eating as of a stone. CADMIUM 30: • Black vomit. Vomit of mucus; green, slimy, bloody. • Great prostration. • Disease running deathwards. CARBOLIC ACID 30: • Vomit of dark, olive green, semi-digested food. • Fermentation inside the stomach. • Desire for stimulants and tobacco. CARBO VEG 200: • In the morning, in pregnancy. • Weak digestion. • Acidity. Burning. CIMICIFUGA 200: • Nausea, vomiting caused by pressure on spine and cervical region. COCCULUS 200: • Due to sea-sickness, travel sickness, car-sickness, flying sickness or motion sickness. IPECAC 200: • Persistent nausea. Vomiting. • Premier remedy. • No relief from vomit. • Vomits bile, food, blood, mucus. Colic pain; cutting, from left to right. • Nausea in any sickness. • Nausea and vomiting after taking raisins and cakes, etc. fermented, foamy mucous stool. Cutting pain. • In gastritis. Even a drop of water does not stay in. • Nausea with headache. • Pregnancy nausea. • Fever with nausea; chill, heat and breathlessness. • Copious red hemorrhage with nausea. • Pale, twitching face. MORPHINUM 30: • Incessant and deathly nausea. Vomit of green fluid. PHOSPHORUS 200: • Water is thrown up as soon as it gets warm in the stomach. SEPIA 200: • Nausea in the morning before eating. VALERIANA (Mother tincture 5 drops 4 times a day): • Child vomits curdled milk in large lumps after nursing. Violent screaming. VERATRUM ALB 200, 1000: • Nausea and retching with cholera. Violent nausea. • Rice-colored, watery stools. Aggravated by drinking water and least motion. • Chronic vomiting of food with gastric irritability. • Wants cold water but cannot retain it.


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