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Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Arthro means Joints and it is means inflammation . So Arthritis means inflammation of joints. This is a chronic problem . It is an inflammatory disease in which there is a progressive and destructive swelling of the joints. Swelling occurs slowly. The disease starts in the small joints of the hands and the feet and moves on to cover the larger joints. In the affected joints, there is swelling, pain and stiffness, all worse in the morning. The skin is red and shiny where it covers the joints which have been affected by rheumatoid arthritis. Progressively the joints are destroyed and deformed. In some cases there may be loss of weight and an onset of fever. Most of the time the problem lasts life-long. Even prevention is not possible. The medicines given below would, however, reduce discomfort and alleviate suffering.It may be noted that with Homoeopathy treatment there will be no adverse reaction or harmful side effects of any medicine HOMOEOPATHY REMEDIES FOR ARTHRITIS - RHUMATOID ACTEA SPICATA 30: • Remedy for rheumatism of small joints. • Tearing and tingling pain in the affected parts. • Fingers, ankles, toes are affected. Swelling occurs on slight exertion. • Wrist rheumatism. The wrists are swollen red and are worse on motion. BRYONIA 200: • Joints red, swollen, and hot. • Stitching, tearing pain. • Knees stiff and painful. • Hot swelling of feet. • Every spot is painful on pressure. • Better rest. • Worse motion. CAUSTICUM 200: • Arthritics and paralytic affections. Progressive loss of muscular strength. Worse right side. • Joints enlarged, soft. Benumbing pain which stays long in a part. • Tearing pain in joints and bones. • Excessive deformity of joints. • Better by heat of bed or warm application. • Restlessness at night. • Worse in dry weather. CIMICIFUGA 200: • Very affective in rheumatism of the large muscles. COLCHICUM 200: • Tearing pain in limbs during warm weather and a stinging pain during cold weather. • Sensation of pins and needles in hands and wrists. Finger-tips go numb. • Joints are stiff and feverish. • Inflammation of great toe. Gout in heel. Cannot bear to have it touched or moved. • Shifting rheumatism with pain worse at night. FLUORIC ACID 200: • Softens and absorbs nodes and other abnormal growths of the bones. Pain severe. Some weakness. Parts red. FORMIC ACID 30: • Chronic arthritis with gout before deformity has set in. • In acute rheumatic fever. • In acute gonorrheal arthritis. RHUS TOX 200: • Hot, painful swelling of joints. Rheumatic pain spread over a large surface, nape of neck, loins and extremities. The pain is temporararily reduced on motion. • The limbs are stiff, as if paralyzed. • The patient does not tolerate cold ,fresh air. • There is loss of power in forearm and fingers, a crawling sensation in the tips of fingers. Tingling in the feet. • The patient is better by warmth, in dry weather, on walking or by changing or by change position.


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