Sunday, November 29, 2009
Negative Thinking Boosts Memory !
Posted by Dr.Mubashar Ahmad Khan at 1:48 AM 1 comments
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Posted by Dr.Mubashar Ahmad Khan at 3:38 AM 0 comments
Monday, November 16, 2009
Posted by Dr.Mubashar Ahmad Khan at 1:49 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Ulcerative colitis
- Distal colitis, potentially treatable with enemas:
- Proctitis: Involvement limited to the rectum.
- Proctosigmoiditis: Involvement of the rectosigmoid colon, the portion of the colon adjacent to the rectum.
- Left-sided colitis: Involvement of the descending colon, which runs along the patient's left side, up to the splenic flexure and the beginning of the transverse colon.
- Extensive colitis, inflammation extending beyond the reach of enemas:
- Pancolitis: Involvement of the entire colon, extending from the rectum to the cecum, beyond which the small intestine begins.
- Iritis or uveitis, which is inflammation of the iris
- Episcleritis
- Musculoskeletal:
- Seronegative arthritis, which can be a large-joint oligoarthritis (affecting one or two joints), or may affect many small joints of the hands and feet
- Ankylosing spondylitis, arthritis of the spine
- Sacroiliitis, arthritis of the lower spine
- Cutaneous (related to the skin):
- Erythema nodosum, which is a panniculitis, or inflammation of subcutaneous tissue involving the lower extremities
- Pyoderma gangrenosum, which is a painful ulcerating lesion involving the skin
- Crohn's disease
- Infectious colitis, which is typically detected on stool cultures
- Pseudomembranous colitis, or Clostridium difficile-associated colitis, bacterial upsets often seen following administration of antibiotics
Posted by Dr.Mubashar Ahmad Khan at 4:43 PM 0 comments
Posted by Dr.Mubashar Ahmad Khan at 4:43 AM 0 comments
Definition :- According to the encyclopaedia A nightmare is an unpleasant dream. Nightmares cause strong unpleasant emotional responses from the sleeper, typically fear or horror. The dream may contain situation(s) of danger, discomfort, psychological or physical distress. Such dreams can be related to physical causes such as a high fever; in an uncomfortable or awkward position; stress or post traumatic experiences. Sometimes there may not readily be an explanation. If a person has experienced a psychological trauma, the said experience may haunt them in their nightmares. Sleepers may be waken in a state of distress, and be unable to get back to sleep for some time. Eating before bed, which triggers an increase in the body's metabolism and brain activity, is another potential stimulus for nightmares.The term "nightmare" used to refer to what is now called Sleep Paralysis in the 19th century and earlier.
Occasional nightmares are commonplace, but recurrent nightmares can interfere with sleep and may cause people to seek medical help. A recently proposed treatment consists of imagery rehearsal. This approach appears to reduce the effects of nightmares and other symptoms in acute stress disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder.
Medical investigation:-
Studies of dreams have found that about three quarters of dream content or emotions are negative .One definition of "nightmare" is a dream which causes one to wake up in the middle of the sleep cycle and experience a negative emotion, such as fear. This type of event occurs on average once per month. They are not common in children under 5, more common in young children (25% experiencing a nightmare at least once per week), most common in adolescents, and less common in adults (dropping in frequency about one-third from age 25 to 55). Fearfulness in waking life is correlated with the incidence of nightmares .In Homoeopathy there is cure without any side harmful effects
• Anxious dreams, ravings.
• Some disagreeable ideas always arouse from night slumbers.
• Night terrors.
• Intense sleeplessness.
• Nervous system disturbed. Starts up frightened.
• Insomnia in delirium.
• Wakes up in fright. Feels as if suffocated.
Posted by Dr.Mubashar Ahmad Khan at 4:29 AM 0 comments
Inability to go to sleep or to get sleep for a period sufficient for the needs individual. Chronic inability to sleep .The most common cause of insomnia is worry; the other is depression. Environmental disturbances also cause lack of sleep.Sleeping pills should be avoided as far as possible.Practice some technique to relax. Yoga can help and so can meditation or listening music.
Definition :- According to the definitions in encyclopedias Insomnia is a symptom of any of several sleep disorders, characterized by persistent difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep despite the opportunity. Insomnia is a symptom, not a stand-alone diagnosis or a disease. By definition, insomnia is "difficulty initiating or maintaining sleep, or both" and it may be due to inadequate quality or quantity of sleep. It is typically followed by functional impairment while awake. Both organic and non-organic insomnia without other cause constitute a sleep disorder, primary insomnia. According to the United States Department of Health and Human Services in the year 2007, approximately 64 million Americans regularly suffer from insomnia each year. Insomnia is 1.4 times more common in women than in men.
Types of insomnia:-
Although there are several different degrees of insomnia, three types of insomnia have been clearly identified: transient, acute, and chronic.
1. Transient insomnia lasts from days to weeks. It can be caused by another disorder, by changes in the sleep environment, by the timing of sleep, severe depression, or by stress. Its consequences - sleepiness and impaired psychomotor performance - are similar to those of sleep deprivation.
2. Acute insomnia is the inability to consistently sleep well for a period of between three weeks to six months.
3. Chronic insomnia lasts for years at a time. It can be caused by another disorder, or it can be a primary disorder. Its effects can vary according to its causes. They might include sleepiness, muscular fatigue, hallucinations, and/or mental fatigue; but people with chronic insomnia often show increased alertness. Some people that live with this disorder see things as though they were happening in slow motion, wherein moving objects seem to blend together. Can cause double vision.
Insomnia can be caused by:
• Psychoactive drugs or stimulants, including certain medications, herbs, caffeine, cocaine, ephedrine, amphetamines, methylphenidate, MDMA, methamphetamine and modafinil
• Fluoroquinolone antibiotic drugs, see Fluoroquinolone toxicity, associated with more severe and chronic types of insomnia Restless Legs Syndrome can cause insomnia due to the discomforting sensations felt and need to move the legs or other body parts to relieve these sensations. It is difficult if not impossible to fall asleep while moving.
• Any injury or condition that causes pain. Pain can preclude an individual from finding a comfortable position in which to fall asleep, and in addition can cause awakening if, during sleep, the person rolls over and puts pressure on the injured or painful area of the body.
• Hormone shifts such as those that precede menstruation and those during menopause
• Life problems like fear, stress, anxiety, emotional or mental tension, work problems, financial stress, unsatisfactory sex life
• Mental disorders such as bipolar disorder, clinical depression, generalized anxiety disorder, post traumatic stress disorder, schizophrenia, or obsessive compulsive disorder.
• Disturbances of the circadian rhythm, such as shift work and jet lag, can cause an inability to sleep at some times of the day and excessive sleepiness at other times of the day. Jet lag is seen in people who travel through multiple time zones, as the time relative to the rising and setting of the sun no longer coincides with the body's internal concept of it. The insomnia experienced by shift workers is also a circadian rhythm sleep disorder.
• Estrogen is considered to play a significant role in women’s mental health (including insomnia). A conceptual model of how estrogen affects mood was suggested by Douma et al. 2005 based on their extensive literature review relating activity of endogenous, bio-identical and synthetic estrogen with mood and well-being. They concluded the sudden estrogen withdrawal, fluctuating estrogen, and periods of sustained estrogen low levels correlated with significant mood lowering. Clinical recovery from depression postpartum, perimenopause, and postmenopause was shown to be effective after levels of estrogen were stabilized and/or restored.[9][10]
• Certain neurological disorders, brain lesions, or a history of traumatic brain injury
• Medical conditions such as hyperthyroidism and rheumatoid arthritis[11]
• Abuse of over-the counter or prescription sleep aids can produce rebound insomnia
• Poor sleep hygiene, e.g., noise
• Parasomnia, which includes a number of disruptive sleep events including nightmares, sleepwalking, violent behavior while sleeping, and REM behavior disorder, in which a person moves his/her physical body in response to events within his/her dreams
• A rare genetic condition can cause a prion-based, permanent and eventually fatal form of insomnia called fatal familial insomnia
• Parasites can cause intestinal disturbances while sleeping.[citation needed]
• Sometimes a rare case of insomnia is also seen in individuals who have long hours of consistent television watching or computer surfing.[citation needed]
Sleep studies using polysomnography have suggested that people who have insomnia with sleep disruption have elevated nighttime levels of circulating cortisol and adrenocorticotropic hormone They also have an elevated metabolic rate, which does not occur in people who do not have insomnia but whose sleep is intentionally disrupted during a sleep study. Studies of brain metabolism using positron emission tomography (PET) scans indicate that people with insomnia have higher metabolic rates by night and by day. The question remains whether these changes are the causes or consequences of long-term insomnia. Insomnia can be common after the loss of a loved one, even years or decades after the death, if they have not gone through the grieving process. Overall, symptoms and the degree of their severity affect each individual differently depending on their mental health, physical condition, and attitude or personality.
A common misperception is that the amount of sleep required decreases as a person ages. The ability to sleep for long periods, rather than the need for sleep, appears to be lost as people get older. Some elderly insomniacs toss and turn in bed and occasionally fall off the bed at night, diminishing the amount of sleep they receive.
• Of the aged.
• Cannot sleep from worry. Must get up.
• With restlessness ehen overtired.
• On account of mental or physical restlessness.
• Insomnia with cold limbs.
• Obstinate and intractable insomnia. Sleepy but cannot sleep.
• Sleep lost on account of unbearable pain at night, in bed.
• Rheumatic or abdominal pain.
• Uneasiness an anxiety.
CHINA 200:
• Insomnia in women after copious menstruation. Sleeplessness night after night.
• Sleeplessness on account of mental activity. Flow of ideas.
• The best medicine.
• Unable to sleep due to joy, sorrow, sudden surprise, emotional excitement, fancies and plans for the future, hysteria. (Makes sleeping pills unnecessary.)
NUX VOMICA 200 (One dose needed at 3:00 a.m. or about when sleep is disturbed. Clears the problem in few days):
• Cannot sleep after 3:00 a.m. until towards morning. All problems converge on the mind. Goes to sleep at 5:00 a.m. and wakes up feeling wretched.
• sexual insomnia of women. Excessive desire.
• Copious and long menstruation.
Posted by Dr.Mubashar Ahmad Khan at 3:30 AM 0 comments
Difficult and delayed passage of stool. It is one of the most bothersome problems. Almost every other person suffers from constipation. Over a period of time, this results in tears in the rectum. Constipation leads to headache and overall discomfort. Constipation is usually called mother of diseases ( Umm ul amraaz = in Urdu / Persian )
Some of the best cures are obtained by changing dietary habits. The diet must include fibrous food, lots of vegetables, fruit, and other roughage. Whole-wheat bread should be preferred to while bread. Regular exercise helps.Routine use of laxatives should be avoided. Sufficient quantities of liquids must be consumed.
Causes :-
According to the medical dictioneries the main causes of constipation include:
• Hardening of the feces
o Insufficient intake of dietary fiber
o Dehydration from any cause or inadequate fluid intake
o Medication, e.g. diuretics and those containing iron, calcium, aluminum
• Paralysis or slowed transit, where peristaltic action is diminished or absent, so that feces are not moved along
o Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid gland)
o Hypokalemia
o Injured anal sphincter (patulous anus)
o Medications, such as loperamide, opioids (e.g. codeine & morphine) and certain tricyclic antidepressants
o Severe illness due to other causes
o Acute porphyria (a rare inherited condition)
o Lead poisoning
o Lactose Intolerance
o Dyschezia (usually the result of suppressing defecation)
• Diverticula
o Tumors, either of the bowel or surrounding tissues
• Obstructed defecation, due to:
o Mechanical causes from morphological abnormalities of the anorectum including megarectum, rectal prolapse, rectocele, and enterocele
o Functional causes from neurological disorders and dysfunction of the pelvic floor muscles or anorectal muscles, including anismus, descending perineum syndrome, and Hirschsprung's disease
o Retained foreign body or a bezoar
• Psychosomatic constipation, based on anxiety or unfamiliarity with surroundings.
o Functional constipation
o Constipation-predominant irritable bowel syndrome, characterized by a combination of constipation and abdominal discomfort and/or pain[8]
• Smoking cessation (nicotine has a laxative effect)[9]
• Abdominal surgery, other types of surgery, childbirth
• Severe dehydration
• Some causes are with particular respect to infants:[10]
o Switching from breast milk to bottle feeds, or to solid meals
o Potty training anxiety
o Hirschsprung’s disease - a condition from birth where the child has a nerve cell defect that affects communication between the brain and bowels
There are many things you can do to prevent constipation. They include :-
• Eating more fruits, vegetables and grains, which are high in fiber.
• Drinking plenty of water and other liquids
• Getting enough exercise
• Taking time to have a bowel movement when you need to
• Using laxatives only if your doctor says you should
• Asking your doctor if medicines you take may cause constipation
It's not important that you have a bowel movement every day. If your bowel habits change, however, check with your doctor.
• Constipation of the most aggravated kind. No desire for days. Marble-like masses. Rectum full.
• Violent ,ineffectual urging to stool.
• Itching in anus, rectum raw after stool.
• No desire. No ability.
• From dryness of intestinal tract and lack of peristaltic action. Complete intertia of the rectum. Even soft stool is expelled with difficulty.
• Large stool accumulates inside. Has to strain before and during motion.
• No appetite. Mouth dry. Tongue irritated.
• Stool is hard, dry, knotty.
• Of women with sedentary habits.
• During pregnancy.
• Of infants. Of old persons.
• Worse in the morning, on waking up.
• Absolutely no desire.
• Stool dry, hard as if burnt. Caused by absence of secretions in the intestines.
• Constipation with tenesmus. Face becomes red while starining to pass stool.
• Can pass stool only when standing.
• Swollen piles; moist, raw, burning.
• Worse on walking.
• No urging. No stool for days together. Then blotches appear on the face.
• With hemorrhoids and fissures which burn and itch severely.
• Obese persons of sensitive and sad temperament they are nervous and find it difficult to concentrate.
• Obstinate constipation. No desire to pass stool although inside is full.
• Flatulence. For days no urge.
• First stool hard; later gushing.
• Of infants during dentition. Stool hard, crumbles at the verge of anus.
NAT MUR 200:
• Obstinate retention of stool. Rectum dry, inactive.
• Stool large but difficult to expel.
• Anus torn, bleeding.
NUX VOM 200:
• Frequent desire to pass stool; yet, each time a small quantity is passed.
• Constipation in persons leading a fast life and indulging in alcoholic drinks. Fond of late nights.
OPIUM 200:
• Obstinate constipation. No urge for days. No discomfort.
• Stool hard, dark balls.
• Obstinate constipation o children.
• Chronic constipation with hemorrhoids.
• Chronic. Troublesome. Dysentery. Diarrhea alternate.
• Stool large, hard, difficult to wake out.
• No two motions alike.
• Blind hemorrhoids with stitching pain.
SEPIA 200:
• Obstinate constipation in children, stool has to be physically removed.
• Typical of teething children. Rectum weak, paralyzed. Expulsive power of the rectum lost, stool protrudes, slips back.
• Chronic.
• Renders instant help. Acts as a catalyst for other medicines.
Posted by Dr.Mubashar Ahmad Khan at 2:59 AM 0 comments
A very painful channel created between the rectal canal and the skin around the surface of the anus. At times, there is pus formation and slight bleeding.
Definition:- According to the medical Dictionaries A fistula is an abnormal tunnel connecting two body cavities (such as the rectum and the vagina) or a body cavity to the skin (like the rectum to the outside of the body). One way a fistula may form is from an abscess - a pocket of pus in the body. The abscess may be constantly filling with body fluids such as stool or urine, which prevents healing. Eventually the fistula breaks through to the skin, another body cavity, or an organ. Fistulas are more common in Cohn's disease than in ulcerative colitis. Approximately one quarter of people with Cohn's disease develop fistulas.Fistulas often occur in the area around the genitals and anus (known as the perineum).
The four types of fistulas are:
• Enterocutaneous: This type of fistula is from the intestine to the skin. An enterocutaneous fistula may be a complication of surgery. It can be described as a passageway that progresses from the intestine to the surgery site and then to the skin.
• Enteroenteric or Enterocolic: This is a fistula that involves the large or small intestine.
• Enterovaginal: This is a fistula that goes to the vagina.
• Enterovesicular: This type of fistula goes to the bladder. These fistulas may result in frequent urinary tract infections, or the passage of gas from the urethra during urination.
Symptoms of fistulas can include pain, fever, tenderness, itching, and generally feeling poorly. The fistula may also drain pus or a foul-smelling discharge. These symptoms vary based on the severity and location of the fistula.
Fistulas, depending on their location, can be diagnosed by some of the diagnostic tests often used in IBD. Barium enema, colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, or an upper endoscopy may be used.
Another test, a fistulogram, may also be used. In this test, dye is injected into the fistula, and X-rays are taken. The dye helps the fistula to show up better on the X-rays. The dye is inserted into the rectum, similar to an enema, for fistulas that are in the rectum. The dye must be 'held' inside during the procedure. With a fistula that is to the outside of the body, the dye is put into the opening with a small tube. X-rays will be taken from several different angles, so a patient may have to change positions on the X-ray table. As with any other kind of X-ray, remaining still is important .For a suspected enterovesicular (bladder) fistula, an intravenous pyelogram (IVP), another type of X-ray, is performed. Prepping for this test may include a clear liquid diet or fasting, because stool in the colon can obstruct the view of the bladder. The dye (contrast material) is injected into the arm, and several X-rays are taken.
A fistula may form an abscess when it closes, or if it becomes infected. An abscess is an infection inside a cavity in the body.
CALENDULA (Mother tincture for local application.):
• Provides comfort as well as local healing.
• Aborts pus formation. Heals when pus has formed.
• Surgery can be avoided in septic cases by the use of this medicine.
• Rectum feels torn.
• Anal fissures. Splinters in the rectum.
• Would cry if touched on sore anus.
• Bowels constipated. Constriction.
• Violent ,cutting pain after stool, lasting for hours.
• Pain even after soft stool.
• Tenesmus present.
• Difficult healing of anal fistula or fissures. Chronic cases. (Most effective).
• Anal fistula with pus.
• Fissure and hemorrhoids painful.
• Goes deep to heal pus-filled pockets.
• Severe pain. Spasm of sphincter.
• Difficulty in passing stool. Receding stool.
• Anal sphincter irritated.
Posted by Dr.Mubashar Ahmad Khan at 2:54 AM 0 comments
Friday, November 6, 2009
Colic Pain.( Qolanj = in Urdu )
This is a condition a severe paroxysmal pain in the abdomen, due to spasm, obstruction, or distention of some one of the hollow viscera . There are some kinds of Colic pain .Hepatic colic, the severe pain produced by the passage of a gallstone from the liver or gall bladder through the bile duct .Intestinal colic, or Ordinary colic, pain due to distention of the intestines by gas. Lead colic , Painter's colic, a violent form of intestinal colic, associated with obstinate constipation, produced by chronic lead poisoning. Renal colic, the severe pain produced by the passage of a calculus from the kidney through the ureter.Wind colic.
ARG NIT 200:
• Painful spot over stomach, from which pain radiates to all parts of the abdomen.
• Severe pain on account of hiatus hernia, below the centre of the rib cage.
• Painful swelling of pit of the stomach.
• Burning and constriction; ulceration of the stomach. Hyperacidity.
• Pain in food poisoning.
• Unbearable pain with burning stomach upset.
• Pain on account of enlargement of liver and spleen.
• Black, bloody diarrhea.
• Hot food relieves.
• Cold food disagrees.
• Burning, cutting pain; distension in stomach.
• Spasm of stomach. Pain as if clutched by a hand.
• Great thirst for cold water.
• Worse jar, pressure. Sensitive to even bedclothes.
• Stitches in the region of gall bladder. Catarrh of gall bladder.
• Stitching pain in front of kidney, extending to liver, spleen, stomach, groin.
• Worse pressure.
• Constrictive, uncreative pain extending to chest with distension of abdomen. Flatulent colic.
• Ulcers in the stomach; burning coals sensation.
• Splenetic enormous enlargement of the spleen. Hypertrophy of the spleen. Pain on the left side.
• Acute duodenitis. Inflammation and pain of duodenum. Griping pain in region of navel and pain in the small or back.
• Flatulence.
• Child in great agony.
• Aching an umbilical region. Griping pain, severe spasmodic intestinal pain.
• Feels as if a string were tied in a ‘slip-knot’ around intestines, which was suddenly drawn tight and then gradually loosened.
• Pain in enlarged liver, enlarged spleen. Jaundice.
• Hepatitis pain.
• Gall stone colic.
• Constipation. CICUTA 200:
• Colic with convulsions. CINA 200:
• Twisting pain abou navels. Due to worms of any type.
• Agoinisng, cutting pain in abdomen, causing th epatient to double over.
• Child doubles up and tosses in agony.
• Sesation as if stones were being ground together in the abdomen and that it would burst.
• Dysenteric stool each time some food is taken. Stool like jelly with foul odour.
• Colic and cramps in calves.
• Flatulence.
• Better from pressure, hard pressure.
• Worse from anger and indignation.
• Stitches in the region of the liver, with weakness or coughing. Abscess of the liver.
• Pain in hepatitis.
• Pain of amoebic dysentery with tenesmus. Cutting. Worse around navel. Nauseating.
KALI BI 200:
• Stitches in the region of liver and spleen, through to spine.
• Cirrohosis of the liver.
• Chronic duodenitis.
• Pain shooting across lower abdomen from right to left. Liver sensitive.
• Chronic appendicitis.
• Flatulence downwards.
• Flatulent colic, forcing patient to bend double.
• Constatnt flatus. Bleching of gas but no relief.
• Relief by warmth and pressure.
NUX VOM 200:
• Pressure as of a stone several hours after eating. Colic. Pains so cutting that the patient feels forced to bend double.
• In persons leading an irregular life, eating, drinking and keeping late hours.
• Excessive excruciating colic radiating to all parts of the body.
• Abdomen retracted as if pulled by a string to the spine.
• Gastroenteritis with colic pain and bilious vomiting.
• Gushing, fetid stool. Yellowish stool. Painless. Early morning.
• Worse in summer.
• Severe pain following abdominal operation.
• Terrible colic. Abdomen swollen. Cholera with nausea and copious vomiting.
• Sinking, empty, cold feeling in the stomach.
• Rice-coloured, thin, copious stool. Unbearable frequency.
• Collapse. Skin blue. Fa
Posted by Dr.Mubashar Ahmad Khan at 4:47 AM 0 comments
Posted by Dr.Mubashar Ahmad Khan at 4:31 AM 0 comments